Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Alright so some of you may be asking what exactly this is, and well this would be a little sort of an idea I've been tinkering with for the past few weeks. It's basically a comic idea that i planned on doing. It is About these three friends, and well as you might be able to tell, there is the Bad friend, the Good friend, and of course as always, the one who is always stuck in the middle. there is no real plot to this picture just a bunch of random compiled into one. I made this on the mac in the Paintbrush application which i must say is quite fun to tinker around with, believe it or not this took me about an hour once i decided to take out the color and once i figured out that it would take too long to have an actual plot line, thus is why things are random. :D

8-bit Green

This is my second Painting, a little less perfected and I honestly don't understand why. I still used 1"x1" Squares and tape to help from the colors meshing but still some of the colors leaked. Anyways this is the Character "Green" from the Pokemon series, many of you may know him as Gary. He would be the first rival in the game series. Now for the Naming of these two people. (Pokemon History Lesson) The two characters, that is Red and Green, are honestly named because the first two Pokemon games out were Pokemon Red and Pokemon Green Versions, in Japan that is. That is why in the manga there is a mini dispute between Whether the character is named Blue or Green. This is because in America we took Green version and made it Blue Version so that the first two versions for us were Red and Blue. Now back to the painting. I do enjoy how it turned out and the fact that it still looks like the original 8-bit character. It was fun to work on and i plan to do another thing similar.

Monday, March 28, 2011

8-Bit Red

This is my painting of the character Red from the Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow Versions. He is who you play as in the very beginning, the start of it all the first "Hero" in the Video Game realm of Pokemon. Reigning from Pallet Town Along with the starter of your choice, unless you played Yellow version then you were forced to take Pikachu, but later on could get all the original starters. In this Painting i attempted to make it look as much like the original 8-bit character as possible, so i made 1"x1" squares and some tape to make the lines straight as possible and to keep pain from mixing on the canvas, it took some time but turned out quite well and i had fun doing it. :D