Friday, June 3, 2011

Evolution Chain

Whoops almost forgot this one ^.^;;;

This one is a painting of the two Pokemon™ Zorua and Zoroark. I tried doing a pointillism painting with Q-tips™ as a brush to make the dots. Except for in the upper left corner where i was a little bored and experimented with my fingers, over all i think it turned out pretty good, if I were to change anything though it would have to be the color of the backdrop because a few of the colors meld with the black and that isn't good. It was a fun project though, took a bit of time.

The Ideas

Many of my ideas came from my memory and then were followed up onto Google Images to help me find the picture to go off of and paint with. Several of my ideas were influenced by my history with the Pokemon™ games. Except for the lyrics painting, and the Unicorn vs Narwhal one. The lyrics painting I came up with since I love the band My Chemical Romance. So I suppose i should thank them for their music. The unicorn one is just straight from my own mind, but i referenced pictures from Google. WOOOOOO GO ART!

Artist Reflection

The things that i have learned throughout the year are things like; I like to paint, I want to take advanced art next year. Which I think it is actually already on my schedule, but anyways back to my reflection.


My favorite projects were definitely my two 8-bit characters I created on the big canvases. They really brought me back to some memories of my childhood, of when I first started to play Pokemon™.

The project that i found most fun to do was the Unicorn vs Narwhal. Seeing how many people probably were thinking "What is he doing?" when I first started making it it was fun to do and made me laugh a few times during 'cause i too asked myself what i was doing. I feel that it shows my random personality within the art.

I noticed earlier today that all of my projects this semester were paintings and only consisted of acrylic paints, so I guess I'm glad that I could stick with one technique throughout the year. Although I wish I could have had ideas when i needed them and not at a later time, like I know a few of them were. Though, most of all of my ideas consisted of something that I enjoy. None of them were just something to get a passing grade.

If I ever have the time and money after high school, as long as I have the supplies I will probably start painting of drawing, because art itself is my passion. THANKS FOR THIS YEAR MRS. COMER. I HOPE TO SEE YOU NEXT YEAR AS A SENIOR!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Unicorn vs Narwhal" Painting or "Fantasy vs Reality"

Well here it is, I just wanna say I've been running on last minute ideas and never really had an idea in mind for my next art project its always been, as i go, thus the result, a Unicorn fighting a Narwhal. Rainbow backdrop, horns crossing, a wave, cliff edge, what more could you ask for? :D

"Kill All Your Friends" Lyrics Painting

This is my painting of lyrics from the song by My Chemical Romance "Kill All Your Friends"
Three colors went into this painting obviously, they were Red, White, and Black.
Black: This color was mainly used as the back drop.
White: Lyrics, that in the song I thought Gerard Way, The Lead Singer, Emphasized in his singing in a normal manner.
Red: Lyrics, that were in the song that Gerard Emphasized greater than the ones in white, at least in my opinion of hearing them played in my head over and over.(Seeing how I like the song i just listened to it over and over instead of looking up lyrics, this also helped with the color coding process)
The three colors combined are the main colors that I used to recognize them as a band, Symbols could have been used but alot of people wouldn't understand it except me and other fans of the band....maybe xD