Friday, June 3, 2011

Artist Reflection

The things that i have learned throughout the year are things like; I like to paint, I want to take advanced art next year. Which I think it is actually already on my schedule, but anyways back to my reflection.


My favorite projects were definitely my two 8-bit characters I created on the big canvases. They really brought me back to some memories of my childhood, of when I first started to play Pokemon™.

The project that i found most fun to do was the Unicorn vs Narwhal. Seeing how many people probably were thinking "What is he doing?" when I first started making it it was fun to do and made me laugh a few times during 'cause i too asked myself what i was doing. I feel that it shows my random personality within the art.

I noticed earlier today that all of my projects this semester were paintings and only consisted of acrylic paints, so I guess I'm glad that I could stick with one technique throughout the year. Although I wish I could have had ideas when i needed them and not at a later time, like I know a few of them were. Though, most of all of my ideas consisted of something that I enjoy. None of them were just something to get a passing grade.

If I ever have the time and money after high school, as long as I have the supplies I will probably start painting of drawing, because art itself is my passion. THANKS FOR THIS YEAR MRS. COMER. I HOPE TO SEE YOU NEXT YEAR AS A SENIOR!

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